Happy Thoughts; the extended version

I’m being asked more often what the story is behind happy thoughts, so I’m gonna try to write it down.

I’m going to preface with, my FAVORITE part of happy thoughts is that feeling them is enough; stories are welcome, but not necessary and I love that; if that feeling is relatable, it is relatable as the truest form of whatever experience allowed that feeling to be felt.

A Happy Thought venture

I could talk about challenges and things that brought me to seek happy thoughts, but I think it’s secondary to their meaning. I told myself years ago that there are certain things I’m done talking about (in a healed way, less than an ignoring way). Happy thoughts grew like badass flowers from the cracks those challenges created.

Something that started as a personal need has turned into a hugely unexpected connection with strangers based on our unique and universal, individual experiences; I don’t have the right words for the magic that occurs in these moments, it’s just so much bigger than I can express.

Happy thoughts came from a time when I needed to believe in myself; I knew there was something to be believed in, but I had yet to believe it. They have evolved into a means of encouraging others to believe in themselves too; I truly get goosebumps when we get to believe in ourselves together.

I LOVE that a side effect of this self created job is believing in humanity; you can’t write happy thoughts about how we can do anything and not end up cementing that belief in your heart. There have been times when I am exhausted, my hand hurts from writing, my happy thought document is taking twists and turns, and I look at the content of what I’m working on and I’m stunned that I inadvertently get to pump myself up AS MY JOB. A real convo in my head: “Am I tired? Yes, but Abraham Hicks says, I am in the perfect position to get there from here. Am I frustrated? Yes, but Banksy says, when you’re tired, learn to rest, not to quit. Am I scared? Yes, but Glennon says the braver I am, the luckier I’ll get.” These conversations go on and on…

The more I have been immersed in this beautiful and unexpected project, the more I know with absolute confidence that we are WAY more powerful than we let ourselves believe and the only thing we need to unlock our potential is the key we already have, the key we’ve had the whole damn time. We already are what we want to be, we just have to let go of what we think we’re meant to be.

I’m still finding my key, but I’m starting to use excitement and passion as my little northern star; this whole believing in yourself thing is bringing me to some pretty wild places.

Abundance of Happy Thoughts

That’s all I’ve got for now for the Happy Thought story. I just wanted to heal, and it turns out that healing was contagious in the best way possible.

How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.

– Anne Frank


The other side


Here we go!