Back in the game!
It looks like all I needed to do was write a blog post about how so many things were redirecting me to find my direction.
So many things!
First, Ponchos are back! On several levels…
1. I just finished a batch. (woo!)
2. I found an ample source of beach towels. (towel drive manifested!)
3. I have so many more to make! (abundance!)
This round taught me to use the library serger and then I bopped around to various library study rooms to sew the rest; we’re back in the game! Van sewing is just a little too much with the cats with me now…
I am learning which libraries are chill and accepting, which ones have strict time limits and which ones have the BEST views. Happy thoughts have honestly given me such an amazing perspective that we’re all just going through something and when we’re responded to negatively while trying our best, it’s almost never truly about us. I am hell bent to continue responding in love. I’ll maybe post more on that concept later, but let’s stay on topic. PONCHOS! After patting myself on the back for finishing the thing, I chilled at a 24 hour laundromat to get the ponchos all squeaky clean and ready to party. The next phase is the always quirky and semi awkward modeling phase.
Just chillin like the poncho creator I am
Second, My happy thought project is almost ready!! They are in production and should be ready by this weekend. I CANNOT wait to tell y’all about it! Subscribers, expect a lil news update next week!
But duuuuuude, the universe wanted me to make this new project, no question about it. I cannot tell you how many times this was the only thing that made sense and literally the only thing I could work on. I am so excited to get more happy thoughts in the world and share these connections with you all! Every time I hand out happy thoughts, no matter who is receiving one, I feel our humanness; our desire for connection and belonging and understanding; it’s absolutely beautiful and unique and important with every single person. We are whole as ourselves. The more we believe it, the more we have to offer this crazy world.
We are abundant :)
Third, hand foot and mouth is NOT the sickness for a fiber artist. I don’t think anyone likes having the skin on their fingers peel off, but oh. my. gosh. I now wear gloves to do almost any of the things. What I’m realizing is that when my hands were hurting and feeling as though they were on fire, they were in fact on fire from the inside. I will not go into detail because it’s just so gross, but the basic necessity of using my hands right now is very challenging. What’s cooler than bringing your sewing machine to the library to make ponchos out of towels? Wearing gloves doing it.
All in all, I feel pretty abundant and things are coalescing in a way I was scared to hope for. Nothing is hugely different for me in terms of security, but I can feel the tides turning.