The one with all the redirects
I’ve been meaning to post an update, but I keep waiting for there to be something of substance to update, like a poncho drop or a new project completed or something exciting and fun happening…
Turns out, such substance is perceived success and the time do the things I mean to do is now.
So update!
One could look at the glass half empty or half full at the moment. It’s been a rough few weeks or so, but some awesome things are coming.
I got a state park pass so as to have legit parking space to be and create and grow. In the midst of learning to exist in new spaces, I required a new windshield due to a rogue flying rock in the middle of the night. We can make our own judgements how that came about, but sticking with glass half full, I learned why there’s been an erratic clunking sound in the van for many many months. As I was getting the windshield replaced, I learned that in a previous windshield replacement, a can of window spray was left inside the van. Glass half full; no more clunking and Shirley got some new glasses. About a week after that, I got sick.
Did I think it was Covid? Yes, I did. Did I take a test? Yes, I did. Did I read the test wrong? Yes, I did.
Having a fever in a van is not a highly recommended activity, especially in a nomadic van with no set space to sleep or pee. I took to the woods to quarantine and feel better and subsequently learned that it was not in fact Covid, but a disease most common in children: hand, foot, and mouth. I’m attributing it to all this inner child work… (little shadow work joke there). The diagnosis was deduced when I told a friend I had this weird covid symptom where my hands, feet, and mouth were killing me and she said “ya know, there’s a name for that…”
I immediately re-researched my Covid test and learned I had, in fact, read it wrong. Weird win? Glass half full; glad it wasn’t Covid and I got some van and business stuff done in the woods with some electricity.
Not me having a pity party in the woods
Have you ever had hand, foot, and mouth? Ya might not remember because you were a wee child, but It’s a bit of a bitch. My finger tips hurt SO bad, but that wasn’t the problem, the pain turned into callouses and I can’t feel much with my fingertips anymore. I’m optimistic it’ll subside, even though callouses are quite naturally in it for the long haul. Glass half full; maybe the callouses will come in handy with all my needle work…
Another shaky glass half full, I found a spot I can sew the ponchos! Well my very resourceful friend found it; the library of all places. Funny thing is, I’ve actually used the library to sew before, but I’d completely forgotten and never would have guessed they’d have a serger. Did I have to cancel my appointment due to being sick? Yes, I did. I’m rescheduled for this week and I’m very tentatively peering at the glass half full.
Being sick makes health feel ridiculously good
A project I’ve been working on for the past two months will be completed in the next week or so. All these redirects never got in the way of me working on it; if anything, they pushed me toward it. I’m following this redirect full steam ahead and it’s been a weirdly healing journey along this rocky little way.
I truly can’t wait to share it with you! :)
One thing that’s been engrained in me on this journey is that we are far more powerful than we think; when we believe we can do more, more appears. It’s been a challenging few weeks; there are days where I wonder what I’m doing, but deep down, at the root of me, I absolutely know I’m where I’m meant to be.
Will I always be meant to be where I am? Oh dear, I hope not. But, for now, this is where I’ll be.