Kristin’s On A Journey!
What. A. Ride.
I’ve been working on telling my story for quite some time now. Ya know how you think something's important and then talk yourself out of it?
The number of times I’ve talked myself out of living this life I’m living!
I’m learning it’s rarely, if ever, just me talking myself out of it. It’s always paired with my perception of right or wrong, the influence of society around me, the experience of those who’ve shaped me, or something else outside myself.
I’m learning it’s really just the discomfort of the unknown.
The lil person in me that dreams big and has big thoughts causes some feelings, but I’m learning those feelings aren’t always mine.
Big dreams and thoughts in action
I’m here to share my voice and reflections in this blog about the things that energize me;
I love to explore anything with fiber,
I’m obsessed with knitting,
I’m extremely energized by creating,
I love learning new things, especially when it gives me a chance to meet likeminded humans,
I am more apt to problem solve a way to do what I want than let it go,
and I have a passion for surfing, selling and healing.
I am hell bent on finding a way to combine these uncontainable loves of mine into a way to serve others and help bring this world a little more joy. I care about mental health and I think we could always use some more love in this world.
Who needs a therapist? All of us.
If any of these loves reflect something in you that you want to explore or to follow along, come join me!