Thinkin Thoughts
I’m sitting here at a coffee shop at the beach mentally preparing for what I’m about to do.
This lil blog is live now, people can find it. This is getting so real!
I sold yesterday at the beach and as always, it was a magical experience. No matter how much I actually sell, PB is a magical spot. The redirects are direct, but somehow gentle. Ya just have to believe in all the possibilities when surrounded by people believing in themselves while staring at the vastness of the ocean.
I stand and shout “do you want a ‘happy thought?’ They’re free!” to passers by more times than I (or anyone near me) can count. The majority of people say “no thanks,” but I always manage to hand out all my ‘happy thoughts’ to the “why nots.” I’m pretty sure the “no thanks” think I’m tricking them (in their defense, I am slipping them a business card… )
I started doing slipping the biz card after a “why not” told me it would be a good (if not necessary) business move. He be right.
You can see my lil business card behind the thought. This is me trying, says Taylor.
I’ve learned SO MUCH about rejection from selling at the beach. For the amount of yes’ you get, you get at least 10 no’s. I mean, if you’re saying “no” to a free happy thought, you’re likely not buying out my ponchos. The amazing thing that’s happened though, is the redirect.
Desensitization to rejection is SO BEAUTIFUL!
Like most amazing things, allowing the discomfort allows the learning and growing, which ultimately allows the amazing things. The ciiirrrrrcle of life!
My heart has been through it this year and I’m now pretty comfy with the fact that everything can change in an instant. This life is temporary. Selling has been a supplemental lesson that when we have and love ourselves, we give ourselves our best chance to be our best selves to offer this little and vast world.