I haven’t written a blog in awhile. I don’t have anything specific I want to say, but I feel called to say something.

I went to New Orleans, LA after Arizona and had a much lighter and enjoyable experience. It was new for me to be in a new space, alone, and adventure about in a semi-carefree way. I ate so many beignets, drank a lot of frozen cafe au laits, and found some solid sleep spots. I went out to Royal street and stood with street performers and offered Happy Thoughts to strangers. I was REALLY proud of that one.

Royal Street, New Orleans, LA 2024

Handing Happy Thoughts out as me, without my ‘official’ sign, without products, and without my table, I’m seen in a certain way. It’s such a wild experience to see how people treat me in that capacity versus when I am within an established setting.

I noticed it vividly when I did my first Happy Hang in Venice, CA with Sophie and Kassia. I was within a group, for the first time, who had actively chosen to participate in a space including Happy Thoughts. I give Sophie and Kassia ALL the credit of getting people there (you the best!), but people were there knowing they were going to be participating with Happy Thoughts. I talked to a group of people willing and interested in hearing about Happy Thoughts and THEN they participated in the dream of writing Happy Thoughts in chalk outside! They not only said yes to my question “would you like a Happy Thought?” (which is a feat in itself), they engaged with them and wanted to do more!

Venice, CA 2024

I have handed out 100,000 Happy Thoughts in the past 2.5 years, which is an amazing number; my ratio of yesses to nos is very generously 1:10. That means I have been told ‘no’ to a Happy Thought at LEAST 1 million times. Those 1 million nos have healed just as much as those 100,000 yesses. The space in which I started handing out Happy Thoughts was like Royal street in New Orleans, many many more nos than yesses, but both the yesses and the nos made Happy Thoughts happen.

The boardwalk in San Diego was a space that people went to spread their wings. There was a wide variety of people there, some playing music, some living, some reselling, some creating art, some sharing art, some selling art, and some just trying to make money to do their day. I sold handmade ponchos, hats, and macrame while handing out Happy Thoughts to every person I saw. Going out to Royal street brought me back to where this all started.

Pacific Beach Boardwalk, San Diego, CA 2021

When I am rogue Happy Thoughting (hiding and handing out Happy Thoughts to my world), I sometimes ask people if they want a Happy Thought as they pass me on the street; my yes rate is about 2%. There is a lot of fear when a stranger talks to you on the street, being that stranger is an interesting thing to experience... I ask the same question in different spaces and in each space it is a different question. It’s a notable observation. I could write a book of Happy Thoughting human observations, but maybe later...

In Florida, I grew Happy Hangs and my heart grew 10 sizes; a Happy Thought says “a heart expands exactly as much as their owner allows,” (Glennon Doyle). Turns out, there is no limit to how big your heart can grow. I got to see what it felt like to be a group facilitator with Happy Thoughts. I actually forgot that I am trained and experienced in group facilitation; I did that for 10 years as a speech therapist. It’s very universey how that crept back in. Here I am trying to make a life for myself separate from speech while manifesting that one day I can integrate it. I didn’t expect one day would come so fluidly and quickly! The universe is laughing right now.

I’ve now done five Happy Hangs and each one has changed the game in its own way:

  1. Venice Happy Hang showed how far we can grow with the help of community.

  2. Quartzsite Happy Hang showed I have everything I need within myself.

  3. Palm Beach Happy Hang #1 showed what Happy Thoughts can do in a therapy space.

  4. Palm beach Happy Hang #2 showed I can find a groove with this new offering.

  5. Palm Beach Happy Hang #3 showed what Happy Thoughts can do in treatment centers.

    These five Happy Hangs each showed up in perfect divine timing. Life made it easy each time to say yes to a new and scary Happy Thought thing; there are far harder things than getting to share Happy Thoughts with more people.

Palm Beach Happy Hang, Juno Beach, FL 2024

In New Orleans, I remembered my “why” and in Florida, I found my “YES".” I am saying yes to all opportunities that grow Happy Thoughts. There is nothing that shows up that is not meant for us. Not everything that shows up is ours to hold, but it is certainly meant to teach whatever it wants to teach. There is only so much you can do in hypotheticals, or at least there’s only so much I can do in hypotheticals. I’ve always been an experiential learner, I need to be doing the thing to know the thing and I’m ready to know more things.

I’m going to keep asking “would you like a Happy Thought” in new and bigger spaces. I had my first sale in Florida with someone who knew she wanted to buy without asking any questions. I hadn’t given her a Happy Thought, I hadn’t shown her the product, I hadn’t explained what it was, she just bought.

Friends. That doesn’t happen…

I’ve sold 2000+ Happy Thoughts by convincing each buyer that these little thoughts I compiled might make them happy; I’ve given each person a Happy Thought, watched their little smile show up, told them more about the story, and watched them consider the product. When they start paging through the Happy Thoughts, they usually buy, but the steps it takes!

That sale in Florida was an indicator that one day Happy Thoughts will require less explanation. With more understanding, comes more acceptance; people jump on board when they feel safe to jump on board. Every step of this journey matters, all the spaces matter, and all the people matter. I can’t wait to reach more people and I’m equally grateful for this journey so far that has required SO MANY HAPPY THOUGHTS.

This Happy Thoughts of America Tour is not even halfway done yet. I am on my way to the Northeast leg. I will be on the east coast for the next month or so and I am so aware that I have no idea what is coming. I surrender daily and change my route every time I make a plan.

Letting go is the only option right now, I’m finding that yesses give some nice direction in the abyss.

By letting go, it all gets done. -Lao Tzu
